The NEW Alta Bull Search App

Download the all-new app today! With more traits, more breeds, more features, more options, and more sorting abilities, the all-new Alta Bull Search app is a more streamlined approach to bull searching. What can you expect? Search and sort dairy bulls industry wide from your mobile device Sort by name, NAAB code, or registration number […]

Ваше сьогоднішнє генетичне рішення ЦЕ ваше майбутнє стадо

Майбутнє Вашого стада – це не тільки молодняк. Майбутнє Вашого стада також знаходиться у вашому резервуарі для зберігання генетичного матеріалу. Подумайте про спермопродукцію, щойно доставлену на Вашу ферму. Це інвестиція. І ця інвестиція вплине на Вашу діяльність в майбутньому. Вашим генетичним рішенням сьогодні є телята, телиці та дійні корови Вашого майбутнього стада.

4-EVENT COW is one you hardly notice. In the span of her lactation, her cow card confirms just four major events:

FRESH BRED Confirmed PREGnant DRY Of course, maintenance events like pen moves, foot trims, vaccinations, and pregnancy re-checks also occur during a cow’s lactation. But what’s really missing in a 4-EVENT COW’S lactation are the setbacks – the costly, time-consuming issues that hinder overall herd profitability. She goes about her business of producing high-quality milk without […]

What you need to know about the April 2020 US Genetic Base Change

A genetic base change is an adjustment of predicted transmitting abilities (PTAs) for all animals in a given breed. This change resets the average PTAs for each trait within a new reference population back to zero. With the April 2020 US genetic base change in mind, here are five key points to remember. 1. THE […]

М’ЯСО МОЛОЧНИЙ НАПРЯМОК : 3 запитання, які допоможуть визначити Вашу стратегію.

Якщо Ви вирішили покращити свою стратегію розведення – це означає, що Ви, ймовірно, використовуєте певну кількість сперми бугаїв м’ясних порід, як частину цієї стратегії. Отримання телят, схожих на телят м’ясних порід, може призвести до надбавки до тварин одноденного віку, яких Ви продаєте. Однак у цьому процесі не забудьте скласти план перед тим, як почати його […]

Help your calves become future Alta 4-EVENT COWS

The journey to 4-EVENT COW status starts long before an animal enters the fresh pen. In fact, that journey starts in the hours immediately after she is born. The most important meal a calf will consume is her first one – colostrum. That’s partly because a calf is most vulnerable in those moments right after birth. A newborn […]

CONCEPT PLUS in the making of an Alta 4-EVENT COW

Remember cow 5677? At Alta, she’s what we call a 4-event cow. That means the management records on her individual cow card tell us she only experienced four events in her most recent lactation: FRESH – with a healthy calf and no metabolic issues BRED – serviced just one time, which means she got off to a […]

20 times in the making

The 2019 Alta ADVANTAGE Showcase Tour marked a milestone as the 20th edition of the most progressive dairy management tour in the industry. More than 250 guests from 21 different countries gathered together in Sioux Falls, South Dakota June 25-28, 2019. This was the first time ever that the Showcase Tour took place in the US […]

What’s in a healthy cow?

Think about the healthiest cows in your herd. What defines them as your healthiest? Is it their older age? Is it the fact they’ve never had mastitis? Or are they the ones that leave the fresh pen quickly after calving because they don’t have the lingering effects that come with milk fever, metritis, a retained […]

New trait from CDCB: Early First Calving

As part of April 2019 the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) is releasing a newly evaluated trait: Early First Calving (EFC). Because genetics and management both play a role in heifer development, having the ability to select for animals that calve in earlier can help increase your herd’s profitability. Heifer rearing accounts for 15-20% of the total cost […]